I'm using a spectrum element in DataMiner, but I'm missing the 'Monitors' tab page. Anyone knows why this would be missing, please? Based on what conditions is this shown? Is this a feature to be added by the protocol perhaps?
Using 10.3.2 with full admin rights.

One possible reason could be that the element has been configured to run in Shared Session Mode

That’s it!! Thanks a lot!
Hi Jochen,
Spectrum monitors do not require any special support in the connector.
Typically I would expect this is due to a missing "Configure scripts & monitors" permission for the group your user is in.

I have full admin rights…
Hi Jochen,
In the example driver of Spectrum Simulation there is the "monitors" tab page. The driver is available here : Spectrum Simulation Driver - DataMiner Dojo .
Maybe this can help you to compare, find a difference, and as a consequence a possible cause of why the "monitors" tab page is not showing up.
Kind regards,

Screenshot is made on local DMA with DataMiner version
That’s strange, I checked on another system and have the same.
Something has changed indeed.
The Monitors and Monitor Scripts are indeed missing now.