Hello, I am hoping to find out where the default location/path gets configured for uploading new Visio drawing files into Dataminer?
When downloading a Visio file from Dataminer to my PC, Dataminer defaults to the path... C:\ProgramData\Skyline\DataMiner\DataMinerCube\Online Editing... which is what I would expect.
However when attempting to upload a Visio file into Dataminer from my PC, the default upload location has changed to a different path (in my case its the Windows desktop). Please can you confirm where that default upload path gets configured in Dataminer?
Thank you
Reading your question again I believe you're looking to find out the way we determine the path on which your
- browse window opens when trying to upload a file to the server
- save window opens when trying to download a file from the server
For the save window (download) we leave this to the .NET framework. As of right now I'm not 100% sure of all the ins and outs of how the default path for these windows is determined (and at first glance the general consensus seems to be "it's complicated"). What is clear though is that it's done through a resource in your registry of windows, which is quite complicated to decipher.
The browse window (upload) always opens to the desktop by default. This has been the case since feature release 9.5.4 and main release 9.6.0. Before that it opened up to your "My documents" folder.
There's a couple more intricacies to this (again, the file dialog implementation is not super easy to decipher and change every so often), but in general that's how it will behave and has behaved for a while.
I'm not aware of any setting where we can change the default upload location. I tested this myself and my uploaded Visio files get placed in "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Views" for Views and the protocol folder for Protocol (Connector) Visio's. Since RN26648 (DM10.0.11/10.1.0), you can also upload an element level Visio. This Visio gets also stored under "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Views".

Hi, a more detailed investigation can be performed by our support team. Please send an email to techsupport@skyline.be, so that we can create a task to have this issue investigated. Alternatively, please feel to create a task on Collaboration.

Files that get uploaded to the server should always end up in the folder Jarno mentioned in his answer. The folder mentioned in the comment here seems to refer to the client machine and not the server. Are we sure we’re talking about the same thing here?
Hi Jarno. thank you for your reply. Hopefully this can be looked into further within Skyline? I am thinking that the fact that you experience a different default location suggests that there is something that influences the details for that location. My default location used to be… C:ProgramDataSkylineDataMinerDataMinerCubeOnline Editing – before DAZN upgraded from V9.6 > V10, so it appears that something has happened to affect the change of the default location to be the desktop.