From creating a Visio file so you can link it to a DataMiner View/Service/Element, over editing it and eventually getting to use the eventual result of your hard work.
What is your ideal flow for working with Visual Overview? Think out of the box! What do you wish was possible, but currently isn't? Maybe the DataMiner Cube embedded panel in your Visio application is a good start, but it could have more interaction?
Do you prefer Visio file versioning over a possible world where the Visual Overview updates live as you're working on it or not?
Let me know your wildest dreams for the future of Visual Overview, the Visio application and how it interacts with DataMiner Cube.
I found myself spending a lot of time fine tuning a layout of a Visio.
For it would be extremely convenient to me to have kind of layout templates.
Taking Microsoft O365 as an example, when I want to create a new Word document, the application proposes me templates to avoid starting from scratch.
Possible templates ideas:
- General element overview
- General view/service overview
- Layout w/ banner on top/bottom to display some relevant information
- Table view with details pane automatically opening when a row is selected
- Layout with grid view with specific columns and rows defined, including the corresponding child shapes defined.
Additionally regarding the latter (Layout.Grid), I find myself working with this always based on try and error. There is no visual indication on how the Grid will look like, so I always have to spend a lot of time to edit visio/publish/see the result/repeat.

For a previous Inspire, I’ve updated the default visual overview a bit and the idea was indeed to get a different one for element/service/view.
However, we have to consider the value here. How likely is it the templates will actually be used? Imo it’s better to have the possibility to share your Visio files on the cloud and be able to use the ones you find on there?
A visual indication on what the grid will look like is an interesting concept for the future of advanced editing, thanks.