The public IP address of our server changed, now when adding the new address into Cube (*.*.*.98), we get an error HTTPS failed: Hostname mismatch, referencing the previous public address (*.*.*.161) rather than the current. How is cube making this check? How, can we get cube to recognize the correct current public address?
The certificate on the DMA is a self-signed certificate using the IP address. The certificate currently still contains the old IP address. When now adding the new IP address to Cube, Cube complains that the certificate still refers to the old IP address... To fix this, you'll need to create a new self-signed certificate on the DMA with the new IP address.

Thank you Bert, I recreated the self signed cert and assigned to the binding. We no longer see the incorrect address presented in Cube.
Alternatively, it should be possible to request a certificate issued by a trusted (root) Certificate Authority, like Let’s Encrypt, a domain controller or a paid alternative like Verisign/Digicert. (even for internal servers) These can be linked to the hostname of the server, meaning the certificate remains valid, even if the IP changes.