I recently started seeing this error log on an element,
2020/09/29 01:54:13.809|SLElement.exe|6440|TableFilteringResult::CreateFilter|ERR|-1|Could not construct filter on table 2000 from (true): No known comparison operator found in: true
and was wondering what could be causing SLElement to log this error.
Hi Julian,
That error gets thrown whenever a Dynamic Table filter can not be resolved to something sensible. In this case it seems that the filter is launched on table 2000 which only contains '(true)'.
DynamicTableFilters can be used in various places (subscriptions, visio, table filtering), so without some more info about the protocol it will be hard to track down.
For more info on Dynamic Table Filters and the correct syntax see this Dataminer Help article
Some things you can check:
- Is there a protocol-QAction, automation script or visio that utilizes dynamicFilters on that table
- Use client test tool to monitor the calls on that element, when you captured the call with the incorrect filter it might point to the source.
Do you have a Visio applied to the Element? If so, maybe it could be related to a TableRowFilter that is not correctly resolved when showing a filtered table in the Visio.

Is there any other place where you have a filter applied to a table?
There is no custom Visio being applied to the element. It appears just to be the default one