There is a use case where an external tool is polling a device. That device also needs to be polled in DataMiner, but then we are "double-polling" it, which should be avoided. To avoid this, we could enable the SNMP agent on the DataMiner element that is polling that device. Then the external tool could poll the DataMiner element assuming the external tool communicates using SNMP. However, if that's not the case, are there any other possible solutions? Next to that, are there use cases in practice where double polling happens (e.g. if no other workaround is possible)?
There is no specific feature in DataMiner that would prevent "double-polling" since it happens on the device/data source and we are not in control of that.
In therefore depends on the implementation of the data source if this can be blocked or not.
There have been devices in the past where the device itself could not handle double polling but most are capable of doing this. When another application would be polling the device, DMA would be unable to establish a connection.
It is best practice during an implementation to verify the impact of the driver on the data source to avoid unnecessary high load and could identify problems due to double polling.
Alternatives to offer the customer next to activating the SNMP Agent would be to use the Web API from DataMiner to retreive information from an element.
Is there a specific reason to avoid the double-polling in this use case ? e.g. device cannot handle it ?

Hi Koen, thanks for the info. I don’t have more details about the exact use case yet. It was more a generic question that I received during a training session. I will ask for more details during the next training session.