Hello Dojo,
We are currently using the cpeOnly option to hide all the Data pages for our EPM Manager, but we were wondering if there is a benefit to add this option to all drivers in the system? Would hiding all data pages improve the Client experience in any way? All of the data would still be accessible through the EPM Topology.
Many thanks in advance!
An EPM Manager typically contains table views to be able to display the data from the backend manager and collector elements.
When opening the EPM Manager data pages with the client, it will try to fill the table views with the data. This means that it will request all backend elements to send over ALL the data. So if there are 1 million devices spread over different collector elements this would result in one (view) table with 1 million rows. This will have an impact on SLElement that keeps track of all the data and also SLNet that needs to forward the data, which could also be having an impact on the other connected clients when SLNet is too busy because of these requests. I know that options exist like \"onlyFilteredDirectView\" to avoid building a table view, but that does not apply to other type of table views e.g. the ones that merge columns from different source tables.
When accessing the data through the EPM Topology it means that is query is being executed to only request a limited set of data instead of all data, which has way less impact on the backend processes and results in a better user experience.
Items from the data pages that needs to be made available to the user (like configuration) can still be provided in the EPM Topology UI through a Visio.

For the collector elements that could be helpful, but the problem is that there is no EPM UI for those ones, so there will be nothing to be shown instead. In fact, I see no actual reason for a user to be opening a collector element as they should be using the EPM Topology of the manager instead so it might be even better to hide the collector elements from the non-admin users. The only reason would be to make some configuration changes, but that is also typically done by the manager element responsible for that collector element. For the Microsoft Platform elements, I don’t see any benefit to hide the data pages as those kind of elements will not contain a table with millions of rows and usually the user will want to access all data and will not be approaching the date through a filtered/queried way.
Thank you for that information Laurens, it helps better understand why we hide those pages on the EPM Manager elements. But what about all of the other collector or auxilary drivers? Would they benefit from this option as well? I.E. would it be beneficial to hide the pages of the Microsoft Platform driver and have an app or dashboard display most of the information?