Hi Dojo, checking the GetAlarms method on a cluster (with the IP, we point directly to the DMA where the local DB with most of the data is - though some alarms in the timespan might be from other DMAs as well). Testing this with a local account on the DMS, we get the exception below:
Any steer will be helpful.
Hi @Wim Bruynooghe The API is taking 6-7 minutes to give that error
and the DM version is DataMiner (
I think this will be a software issue, can you create a task on Collaboration?

Just logged 188308 – thanks
The issues was correlated to DB queries timing out.
Cleaning of the bigger partitions on that agent in combination with performing compaction and repairing, the size decreased heavily.
After the 10.2.10 upgrade and Cassandra min/max heap memory change, historical alarms now seem to be retrieved within an acceptable time frame. Ticket 188308 is processed.
Do you get this error immediately, or after a few minutes waiting? Do you get it every time you send this request? What DataMiner version are you using?