I get the same error shown when using the GetBooking & GetBookings web api calls. Any ideas why ?
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:v1="http://www.skyline.be/api/v1">
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:v1="http://www.skyline.be/api/v1">
Hi Wale,
Please could you check first that you are running a DMA version higher than (check DataMiner Web API documentation).
I performed a small test using DMA and I was able to retrieve bookings through the API. Please find below examples for each request (JSON):
Content-Type: "application/json"
"connection": "abcd1234-1234-4321-5678-12345678abcd",
"bookingID": "8048d568-680f-4330-bd8b-b71a7d3e6a4e"
Content-Type: "application/json"
"connection": "abcd1234-1234-4321-5678-12345678abcd",
"filter": {
"Children": [],
"Condition": {
"method": "contains",
"value": "MyBookingName",
"ID": "ReservationInstanceExposers.Name"
"amount": 1

Hi Wale,
I tested ‘GetBooking’ in my local setup and I got the same issue:
System.InvalidOperationException: The type System.TimeSpan was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically
Checking the WSDL specification, GetBooking requires only two inputs (connectioId and BookingId), but the error refers to a timespan not expected.
Unless another colleague confirms that we are missing another attribute,
could you create a task reporting this issue?

Thanks for confirming further Miguel. I have created a task for this.
This is indeed a software issue which should be investigated further by the software development team.

Issue has been resolved from the following versions onwards:
10.1.0 [CU20] ; 10.2.0 [CU8] & 10.2.11
Thanks Miguel, I am using the same DMA version ( I have narrowed down the issue further and the error occurs when the payload is in xml format. When I send the request in JSON like yours I get a succesful response.