We see the below warnings in cube logs. Can you please explain what these mean ? Thank you.
----------- LogID: 92 -----------
ServerTime: 2022-10-18 12:26:13
ClientTime: 2022-10-18 12:26:14
Message : An external application attached to Cube using the Microsoft UI Automation framework. This will have a negative impact on performance and memory usage.
----------- LogID: 11 -----------
ServerTime: 2022-10-18 12:25:25
ClientTime: 2022-10-18 12:25:25
Message : We received the full interface definition of SLNetTypes instead of the diff with a baseline. This should have no funtional impact, but could result in a slower initial connection.
Hi Arun,
Please see below questions:
DataMiner Cube – An external application attached to Cube using Microsoft UI Framework
Cube warning – an external application attached to Cube using the microsoft UI Automation Framework

As stated in the second warning, there should be no functional impact. However, it is unexpected to see this. Would you be able to provide the exact server and client versions? You can find these in Cube / About / versions tab, for example:
Server version :
Client version : 10.2.2239.1816-adb3b176
Thanks a lot Miguel, would you have any idea about the 2nd warning ?