Hi Dojo,
I would like to perform the following in Visual Overview:
Have 1 button which opens up another page on my current visual overview, and at the same time set a Session Variable.
For this I'm using the "Options:NewCardVariable", but I'm not getting it working as expected.
The other page opens up, but my variable is never set.
Would anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? Or have an example on the Demo Platform where we could see a working example?
Regardless if the option NewCardVariable works or not. I'm not confident you need this feature. I have tried to accomplish the same use case and have done it differently.
Shape Data: Value
NavigatePage: *page name, part of current Visio*
SetVar: *varName*:*varValue*
In below example, I'm navigating from Configuration//Summary page to Configuration//Backups. Note: product placement for IDP in below GIF 😉

Oh right, I interpreted page as Visio page and not as another card. Besides he mentions “current Visual Overview”.
I just set this up and it seems to work fine. Here's what I have:
View "NewCardVariable" with subview "NewCardVarSub".
On the "NewCardVariable" view I have a shape with following shape data:
On the view "NewCardVarSub" I have a shape with no shape data and shape text set to: "[cardvar:Test]".
Clicking the shape on view "NewCardVariable" now opens the subview, where the shape with the variable immediately shows "value".
Note that in the OP’s setup, the shape navigates to a different view and thus a different card. If you want a variable within that card’s scope only, the NewCardVariable is the only clean way to do it.