How do you create a shape with the following attributes:
- display a parameter value
- when the user clicks on it, it opens the trend graph for this value in a new tab
There is a help item "linking a shape to a trend graph" but it displays the trend directly on the same Visual Overview page.

This is basically combining multiple Visual Overview features:
- Shape data for displaying a parameter value (also add an asterisk '*' to your shape text):
Element *Element name or ID*
Parameter *Parameter name or ID* - Shape data for page navigation:
NavigatePage *My page name*
Note that 'navigate page' will navigate using the same card. If you want to open the page in a new tab, you can add the index of the page after your element name or ID (e.g. *Element name or ID*|2 to open the second tab) and use the 'OpenInNewCard' option.
Inside that card you can then use a shape to display a trend graph and use session variables for the linking between the original shape and the new card.

Thank you for the answer
How do you get the “my page name”?

You can see the name in Visio. On the bottom there is a pane with the different pages (typically this starts with ‘Page-1’ unless it has been renamed).

Is it possible to click on the shape and to land directly on the Trending page of the parameter?
As I understand your solution, we must create a new tab on visio that loads the trending graph

That’s correct, currently it’s not possible to open a ‘drilled down’ view of a trended parameter.
Just as a comment, keep in mind to make it always clear for the user that this ‘shape’ is clickable. I usually recommend using icons to accomplish this.