I'm working on a visual overview that will display some information related to a booking.
I would like to have a shape displaying the resource name.
What's the best approach to use?
In case a shape is already linked to a virtual function resource, you can use the 'Info' shape data field with value "Resource name" to display the name of the associated resource. Such linking will for example already be in place when you use the Visio feature to automatically visualize the service path. (See 'Generating the connectivity chain for an SRM service instance' in the Help file)
Another way is to embed a Service Manager component on the Visio drawing and link it to your booking (See 'Embedding a Service Manager component' in the Help file).
The component will visualize the service definition, including all nodes.
When a node is selected, a session variable 'SelectedNodeID' is automatically filled in with the ID of the selected node.
In order to convert that node id into the name of the matching resource within the booking, you can then use a shape with following text:
[resource:[reservation:[this service],ResourceID|NodeID=[var:SelectedNodeID]],Name]This is nesting the reservation placeholder within the resource placeholder, which will result in the resource name.
Another possibility that I found in Dataminer Help was the usage of wildcards for the “Element” shape data. However, this is more limited to the specific use cases.
On my case, since I already know that my booking will include a resource called [router name].VPN Kit (as VPN Kit is the function name and that’s always present in the resource name) I could use:
Shape Data: Element
Value: *.VPN Kit
Shape Data: Info
Value: Element Name
and my shape is displaying the name for the resource that matches the wildcard.