On a Visio assigned to a Service, I want to generate a shape for each resource part of the associated booking. I\'m therefore using following construction:
- Shape Data on Group shape :
- Children : Element
- Shape Data on child shape :
- ChildType : Element
- ChildrenFilter : ResourceMapping=mapped
- Enabled : False
Construction works fine and I have one shape generated per resource part of the booking.
Now , I want each generated shape to contain controls to launch an automation script, providing the Resource GUID as input argument. The Child Shape, which is a group shape , contains a sub shape with following shape data:
- Execute : Script:SRM_ApplyProfileToUnmappedResourceSilent||Input Data={\"ForceServiceState\":\"\", \"ProfileActionType\":\"Base\", \"ReservationInstanceId\":\"[reservation:[this service],ID]\",\"ResourceId\":\"[Resource ID]\"}||Immediately Apply Profile|NoConfirmation,CloseWhenFinished
- Options : UseResource=true|CardVariable|OpenInNewCard
- Enabled : True
When I click on the subshape, it launches the Automation script and resolves the [Resource ID] placeholder. However, it also opens the function DVE associated with the resource.
How can I avoid the function DVE card to open , and still have the [Resource ID] placeholder to be resolved ?
I didn't test this, but my feeling a combination of the following options on your subshape should do it:
- AllowInheritance=False
- ForcePropertyFromParent

Indeed, the “ForcePropertyFromParent” only works for the “[this…]” placeholders and not for the info tags.
I don’t think it’s currently possible to disable the element shape and leave it enabled for script execution.
An alternative with the current functionality would be to do a setvar on the shape, which then assigns the Resource ID to a variable, and then have a button available elsewhere on your Visual Overview that takes the variable as input.
I had already tried the AllowInheritance=False ; however this has the consequence that the [Resource ID] does no longer get resolved .
Adding both does no longer generate the sub shape and also stops generating child shape on the container after it has generated the first one.