I have a visual with a Wireshark SVG icon on it but this isn't shown correctly. Why is that?
There are currently some limitations on the way SVG's and other geometries are drawn on the Visual Overview (not all Bezier and Nurbs curves are currently supported).
Some workarounds:
- Transform your SVG to an image and use that instead.
- Changing the format of the geometries in the shape sheet (below is also available on the knowledge base):
Change the curve type to EllipticalArcTo in Visio: You need to have visio Developer Mode on – Then – 1. Right-click on a shape and click –> Show Shapesheet 2. Depending on the shape there will be different sections, in this case you are looking for the “Geometry” sections (again depending on the shape there may be more than one) 3. In each Geometry section table you can select a row number (row turns black) you can also see highlight on the shape.
4. Right-Click the row –> Pop-up menu –> select “Change Row Type”
5. Change Row Type (pop-up) –> change to Elliptical arc
There can be some anomalies and so you either need to edit values in the row or drag on the shape or delete the row that has the issue after change (but deleting

I believe Jens has created a task for this today. This hasn’t been implemented yet since it’s hard to achieve this when manually creating geometries.

Chances are very low that we will implement this any time soon, mainly because we don’t find native support for this in wpf atm. We would need to write mathematical conversions for this in code.
Is it somehow workable for now to do the conversions Sebastiaan suggested in Visio?
Are there any plans to support those Bezier and Nurbs curves or are there any roadblocks that prevent these implementations?