Hi Dojo,
Is there any way to link a shape to an history alarm summary?
Something similar to the AlarmSummary or HistoryMode fields but with the option of adding a time range in the past.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Manuel,
I believe there is no option to show the history alarms.
- The shape data 'AlarmSummary' allows you to show active alarms, masked larms and information events (including suggestion events).
- The shape data 'HistoryMode' allows you to show the alarm state of the object linked to the shape (element, service or view).
Is it an option to use the Dashboard app to show the history alarms?
You could use the component alarm list?
Hope it helps.

Note that the state timeline also exists in Visual Overview. (Called AlarmTimelines there.)
Hi Miguel and Pieter,
Yes, i'll try to use dahsboards components to do the job.
Thanks both for the reply!
In case dashboards (maybe embedded in your Visio drawing?) is an option, the ‘state timeline’ might also be something you like. You can find the component in the ‘states & Values’ section and you can link it to elements, services and parameters. A ‘state timeline’ gives you the historical overview of alarm state in a horizontal bar.The time range can be fixed in your component or linked to a feed (coming from your Visio via the url?)