Hi Dojo,
Is there any convention in terms of an optimized canvas size for Visio overviews?
My use case is that for most views, I'd like the user to still have available the info coming from the alarm console and from the Surveyor (so that they can still refer to all of 3 areas of the GUI, rather than having to engineer a view just to retrieve & show alarms and so on).
When I started developing views, I was using some sort of 4:3 area, then moved to a 16:9 sizing as I had the impression this fits better within CUBE - but times I end up with some areas of the screen that are not used to display anything.
What are the canvas recommendations if I'd like rely on Cube rendering to maximize the area of drawing, basing on what is added on screen?
Hi Alberto, Glad you make great use of our community!
Typically we try to give some recommendations through the Visio style guide | DataMiner Docs. However, a recommendation on the resolution that fits all does not exists here, I'm afraid. Especially when you design a Visio that can/will be used by multiple different people/customers.
When making your decision, evaluate:
- the most used screen resolution within your company;
- different workspaces (e.g. Alarm Console or Surveyor collapsed);
- the complexity of your design;
- your Visual Overview structure (e.g. as you are doing logical (sub)tabs);
- background layers (i.e. Avoid using a background layer for everything on the page, instead, use logical compartments);
- light/Black theme compatibility;
- desire to have horizontal/vertical scrollbars.
Creativity is key now, you will have to make use of multiple options/shape data to get what came out of your evaluation:
- Use the Grid layout feature (Positioning shapes in a grid layout | DataMiner Docs)
- Make use of extended show/hide conditions, you can dynamically show/hide different content on the same Visio page by making use of session variables. To help design something like this, consider using Visio Layers (ref. MS website: Add a layer)
- Look at the page options: Overview of page and shape options | DataMiner Docs: If you want to restrict the size of a particular page of a Visio drawing, you can use the six following options, separated by pipe characters:
<code class="lang-txt">FixedWidth=<px>|MinWidth=<px>|MaxWidth=<px>|FixedHeight=<px>|MinHeight=<px>|MaxHeight=<px></code><code class="lang-txt"></code>
- Docking a shape to one or more borders of a Visio drawing | DataMiner Docs
- Show a hidden Visio page inside a popup, tooltip or undocked window (Making a shape display a particular page of the current Visio drawing | DataMiner Docs)
Hopefully, this helps you a little further, good luck!