A user set temporary variables in a Visio file.
When he closes the view, all the variable values are removed. He would like to save them so when he reopens the visual overview, the last variable values appear.
How can he do that?

No, currently all values are unique per user and device. The stored session variables (with ‘__saved_’ prefix) are saved for the current user on that machine.
The Visual Overview supports multiple scopes for session variables. Each scope defines the lifespan of a session variable (and its value).
- Page: The session variable only has a value in the current page. Using this session variable on another page will not give you any value. Closing the card (and thus closing the page) will remove the session variable from memory.
- Card: The session variable has a value within the current card. This allows the same variable to be used across pages. Closing the card will remove the session variable from memory.
- Workspace: The session variable has a value within the current workspace. This allows the same variable to be used across pages and cards. This session variable will not return a value in another workspace. Logging out of Cube will remove the session variable from memory.
- Global: By default, session variables are global and have a value across workspace, cards and pages. Logging out of Cube will remove the session variable from memory.
So depending on the type of variable you have defined, it will have a different lifespan.
In you case, using a workspace or global scoped session variable will keep its value after closing and reopening a card.
I assume you are referring to the use of session variables in Visual Overview. From 9.0.5 onwards, session variables can be saved across sessions, you can do that by adding the "__saved_" prefix to the session variable name. Note that a session variable also has a scope that defines the perimeter within which it will be available. If you do a quick search in the DataMiner Help on 'session variable' you will find more details about all of this. Hope this helps.
The 2 solutions work well for 1 user ID on a given access point.
However, the same user ID will return a different value if we access Dataminer through a different device.
The values stored in IE browser and Dataminer Cube Client seem to be different.
A workaround is to use a Generic Device as the destination for the variables.
The downside is it uses a DMA license.
Can we store the same value of a variable for all users, browsers and devices?