Hi, is there any visio shortcut to concatenate the readings from multiple column tables?
E.g., something like IP source, Multicast Group and Port.
These are usually separate column parameters of IP input tables, on the same row:
ideally, I'd link three of them in visio by using just the key associated with the row.
Is there a quick VISIO syntax for this or shall we recur to an aggregation rule to achieve a quick way to link the shapes to the polled info?
If the latter, will I need a different aggregation rule for each protocol?
I had to hide the details from my live config below, but I hope the picture can expain what I'd like to achieve:

I've tested the line below, but I'm not able to get it working:
tried with and without the element property and also with just one placeholder instead of three, but the shape is no longer displayed (edit mode can't load it in the view card, though present in the visio) - any mistake I've done in the sample below?

You can directly place the text inside the shape (so not in the shape data window). I believe in your example you can skip all of the shape data.
Tried this too, but no joy yet (so far): any example available on the online staing DMA?
Wondering if this requires a specific label – I mean, other than Parameter or Element? Or just remove any label from the shape?
At present, by pasting this syntax we don’t get the expected behaviour: (the shape is hidden in Visual Overview, DataMiner 9.6 CU 21 and 24)
As this question has been inactive for a long time, I have now closed it. If you still want further information, could you post a new question?