I'd like to add a button that controls the azimuth/elevation etc by simply adding or subtracting a number. The visio might look something like:
Is there a way to use a visio shape to increment/decrement a parameter? Or is the best method to use a simple automation script?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Blake, for this you have multiple solutions. You could indeed launch an Automation Script when clicking the button. Another approach is to add a parameter in your connector that you can trigger to increment a certain parameter.
If you do not want to create an Automation Script or tweak your connector for this, you can also make this work in Visio.
For this, you should use the 'Execute' Shape-Data for making the set (ref. DM Help). The value is the sum of the current value + 1. This can be achieved by making use of the 'sum' and 'param'-placeholders. It will look like this:
Execute : Set|DmaID/ElementID|ID of write parameter:TableRowKey|NewValue|Options
In case you have a standalone parameter (read ID = 5, write ID = 55) on the element with DmaID '123' and Element Id '456', then you need to put:
Execute : Set|123/456|55|[sum:[param:123/456,5],1]|NoConfirmation
Note: If you'd like to decrement, I would suggest you to still use the 'sum' placeholder but with value '-1'.

Wanted to add a quick note for future people: my parameter had units (degrees) which I had to use Regex Replace to take out. That looks something like : [RegexReplace: deg,[param:123/456,5,key],].
Without this the sum would simply be the value you’re incrementing by since you can’t sum a string and number.

Jarno, one of the DataMiner Visual Overview Jedi’s!
Always learning something new with visio. I believe the sum placeholder is the key here. Thanks Jarno!