Is there a way to present feedback/notify the user that a requested command/operation has been rejected by the target device. For example: User attempts to change a parameter on an SNMP device and the device responds to the SNMP SET command with an error response. Also, how about for Serial protocols such as a REST interface. If the device has a command specific error code or text string in the response is it possible to present feedback to the user, such as a pop-up window, that the command failed and the error response the device responded with.
Hi Jeff,
Of course there is a way, in the driver itself we can get the answers of the device and present that in a parameter, e.g.:

Hi Jeff,
1) Yes
2) It depends on the logic implemented, talking about the specific case I know, it requires several steps and a single parameter reporting which step failed giving that feedback. Other implementations have a parameter per each command to report the execution status; once again it depends of the logic needed.
3) Yes, we shouldn’t have any issue to address something like that.
Thanks Edson,
For clarity:
1) does that imply that a new parameter will need to be added to the protocol to represent the error response from the device?
2) If YES will that require a single parameter for the protocol or 1 for each command (SET operation sent to actual device)
3) Is this basic Dataminer capability that our Skyline developers we work will should already be familiar with?
Thanks again