I have in table visualisation column with URL. Is is possible to make a active link to from this URL? If yes, how can I define link name? It is possible use some icon as a link name?
Hi Jan,
Within the Cube UI string parameters starting with common URL prefixes such as HTTP://, HTTPS://, FTP://,... are automatically recognized and shown as a hyperlink. This is the case for individual parameters as well as values in tables. Unfortunately, it is not possible to assign a link name in this case.
In low-code apps, you can add a hyperlink by adding an "on click" action and choosing "Navigate to a URL".

Hi Jan,
In a low-code app you should be able to feed the URL of the navigate action by using the column name between braces, something like {mycolumname}.
In dashboards, it is as far as I know not currently possible to use URLs.
Thank Michiel
you are right, that in Cube UI it works.
I forget to add, that I looking for similar functionality in web dashboards or low code apps.
In low code app I can add action “Navigate to URL” but I don’t know how to feed URL from particular column