Hello Dojo Community,
I'm trying to update some custom alarm properties based on certain values that I receive.
I'm following the indications on the documentation NT_EDIT_PROPERTY (62) | DataMiner Docs:
protocol.NotifyDataMiner(62/*NT_EDIT_PROPERTY*/ , alarmPropertyEtmsId, propertyDetails);
With alarmPropertyEtmsId being:
var alarmPropertyEtmsId = "alarm:" + eventAlarm.AlarmID + ":" + eventAlarm.DataMinerID + ":" + eventAlarm.ElementID;
And I also tried with the method that is on the Docs with no success.
However, I'm not getting the alarm properties updated.
I saw that there is a new method for updating properties in Class Library, but that only applies for Elements, Views and Services.
Is there anything that I'm missing when trying to update?

Thanks Alberto!
Yes, the alarm is still active when I try to update it, the alarm has been active for a long period of time without any change of state or anything
This should work but there is an open ticket that described that there is a bug when trying to edit alarm properties of a remote element/service/alarm/... if the object is hosted on another DMA the request isn't properly rerouted:
Subscribing as I’d like to get more insight as well – afaik, alarm properties are substantially different from properties defined for elements, views or services, as they are are attached just to the alarm (and the alarm lifecycle apparently):
Is the alarm still active/masked (= not cleared yet) when you try the update of the alarm property?