After upgrade to 10.2.1, I receive following Notice in the alarm console:
Unexpected Exception [Unable to create connection to MessageBroker. Please see SLMessageBroker.Crash.txt for more information]: Initialize DMA ( at Skyline.DataMiner.Spi.Nats.MessageBrokerConnection..ctor(ISLMessageBrokerFactory messageBrokerFactory)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Spi.Nats.SingletonMessageBrokerConnectionFactory.Create()
at Skyline.DataMiner.Spi.Nats.NatsConnection.get_MessageBroker()
at Skyline.DataMiner.Spi.Nats.NatsConnection.RegisterEvents(String subTopic)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Spi.DataStore.DataStoreFactory.Create(IBusModule module, IBusConnection connection, String subTopic, TimeSpan interval)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Spi.Publish.PublishModuleBuilder.Build()
at Skyline.DataMiner.Diagnostics.AttributeUtil.Configuration.Initialize(Guid nodeId, String hostName, String processName, String publishTarget, Int32 dataMinerId)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.DataMiner.Initialize(IStopEvent stopEvent)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.LocalDmaStateManager.InternalDoInitialization())
Looking at the SLMessageBroker.Crash.txt:
2021-12-20 20:10:10.876|SLAnalytics|NATS.Client.NATSNoServersException: Unable to connect to a server.
at NATS.Client.Connection.connect()
at NATS.Client.ConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(Options opts)
at Skyline.DataMiner.MessageBroker.SLMessageBroker.CreateNATSConnection()
at Skyline.DataMiner.MessageBroker.SLMessageBroker.Initialize()
at Skyline.DataMiner.MessageBroker.SLCachingMessageBrokerFactory.Create()
at Skyline.DataMiner.MessageBroker.SLLoggingMessageBrokerFactory.Create()
Both NAS and NATS services are running.
Can you please inform what's the impact of this notice? And how to resolve it? Thanks.
Hi Karel,
Can you double-check the IP in the URI tag in the SLCloud.xml file and make sure it's the IP of your server?

Hey Karel,
It seems it DataMiner has issues connection to the NATS server. The impact of this is that various modules in dataminer relying on this will fail. Including the SPI-manager (responsible for sending out Performance Indicators).
Checking if the NATS/NAS service are running is a good start. There could be more info in the SLMessagebroker.txt or the logging of NATS itself, these can be found in Skyline Dataminer\NATS\Nats-Streaming-Server.
However based on the exception I would assume the issue is probably related to an incorrect configuration of the firewall blocking the port or changes in the network caused IPs to be mismatched.

I had a similar issue and noticed the default firewall rules were only applied to the domain.
Updating the firewall rules so they apply to all networks resolved the issue for us.
Confirmed. Updating the URI resolved the problem. Many thanks Ive!