Currently trending has been activated for all tasks in the Task Manager table of Linux Platform for Cassandra and Elastic Search servers.
This causes too much data.
What tasks should be monitored for Cassandra and which for Elastic Search?

Hi Jeroen,
You can look in for a reference.
Under the 'DataMiner Deployment' view you will find Linux Platform elements that are monitoring the Cassandra and ElasticSearch databases.
Looking to the trend templates used in 'Ziine - Cassandra - Linux Server' you can find the following processes being trended:
These are the processes being trended for 'Ziine - ElasticSearch - Linux Server'
As an advice, you can also use the following connectors to monitor in more detail how your Cassandra and ElasticSearch databases are running:
Anyone an idea?
For now I disabled the trending on the task manager to resolve the problem in slanalytics.