Suppose we have a parameter (electric current, for example) that is being trended.
We want to put in a dashboard a line graph that shows the result of this trended parameter multiplied by a value.
Is this possible using the HTML5 Dataminer Dashboards?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
For this case I believe that the first approach could be implementing dynamic units in the connector. If this is not possible, you could use GQI queries with a custom operator. The custom operator will add another column with the updated value. For this case, your query should look like as follows:
- Data source: Get Trend Data
- Type: Real time or average (depends of the use case)
- Protocol: The connector where is the parameter is located
- Version: For systems on production it should be set as 'Production'
- Parameter: The parameter that contains the value that you would like to convert
- Apply custom operator: The custom operator that will be used to create a new column with the updated value
Once the GQI query is defined, you could use it as source for the 'line & area chart' component to display a trend graph. You will need to configure the X and Y axis in 'Settings' (Configuration with query data feed). The X-Axis could be the start time of the 'Get Trend Data' data source and Y-Axis will be the column added by the custom operator.
Hope it helps.

Hi Miguel, Sebastiaan
Thank you both for feedback!
The challenge I have is a little bigger than I first thought.. maybe you could help me out with the best approach (es)?
The challenge I have:
1 – I have a parameter (“Electric Current” in Amperes, or kA) that is being trended by some devices.
Note that this parameter is part of an SNMP table though (is one of the “column values” of the table). Is not a “simple” parameter.
The index / ID of the row of the table where we can get it is always the same.
2 – I need to have the Consumption in Watts (or kW): this can be achieved by multiplying the value of the “Electric Current” parameter (point 1, above) by the constant value 230 (Volts) according to our internal client.
3 – I need to have a trend graph with this “new parameter” Consumption calculated in point 2.
4- I will need to have a way to aggregate the values for this Consumption “new parameter” though, because it can be measured by more than one device (it may be the “total consumption” for a rack or multiple racks, for example…).
5- I will need to have a trend graph for this KPI to see the daily evolution of this new KPI. I will also need a way to see the total aggregate value for this KPI (for example how much is the “monthly total” consumption)
What do you think is the best approach to achieve all of this using Dataminer?
Please let me know if you need further claritications.
Thank you.
Any further advice..?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
Apologies for the delay in my reply.
– Regarding the second point, initially I thought that you would like to make a conversion of the same value to a different unit (e.g. from Amperes to KiloAmperes). However, you would like to have another measurements based on current (in your case power). In this case, it is better to request a connector update to include an extra column that displays the power consumption. It is true that 230 volts is the standard in AC voltage in Europe, but we also need to take into account other countries outside Europe (e.g. in US they offer 110 VAC). Instead of a hardcoded value in a connector, I think it is best to define the voltage in a custom parameter so it can be set accordingly.
– Regarding the third point, you can request to enable the trending in the new parameter
– Regarding the fourth and fifth point, there are two ways to tackle this use case. You could aggregated via aggregation rules or using GQI queries. First, I will try to see if aggregation rules can be used. As you know, in order to use aggregation rules, you need to organize your elements in views in a way that can be aggregated in racks. You can enabling trending on the result of these aggregation rules. Please could you let us know if aggregation rules fits in your use case?
Hi Miguel,
Thank you for the feedback!
I think aggregation rules will fit in this case, although it might makes us redo the views in order to get the results.. which could mean a lot of work..
But we can try that way for now.
Step by step..
To start I’m going to add the custom parameters and see how it goes!
Thank you once more and have a happy Easter time!
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
The line chart can indeed display a GQI result although this is in its early stages in terms of usability. Definitely let us know how we can further improve!