What is the real impact of TicketExpirationTime (on MaintenanceSettings.xml)?
Our test show that AutoDisconnectTime is the time that we could be connected and receiving data updated (example on Dashboards), without doing anything, before being disconnected.
But we don't understand TicketExpirationTime value and we don't found a documentation that explain it.

Hi. it’s under SLNET tag.
Hi Henri,
There are two very similar settings so I'll explain them both:
- TicketExpirationTime
SLNet has the capability to generate a ticket known as an 'ExecuteTicketMessage' in order to perform privileged instructions. One specific application of this ticket is granting a user permission to start DataMiner. This setting determines the duration, measured in seconds, for which the ticket remains valid. If a request for the privileged instruction is made after the specified time period has passed, the system considers the ticket invalid and denies the request.The default for this is 5 minutes.
- AuthenticationTicketExpirationTime
SLNet (and the web API) offer a convenient solution by providing a ticket that serves as an authentication mechanism for establishing a new connection. The validity of this ticket is determined by the TicketExpirationTime setting, measured in seconds, which specifies the duration for which the ticket remains valid. If a request for a new connection is made after the specified time has elapsed, the system deems it invalid.The default for this is 30 seconds.

This has now been added to docs: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/dataminer-docs/pull/1553
Hi Henri, if possible can you share under which tag does TicketExpirationTime appear ? Is it under SLASPConnection and TimeLineCache ?