Hi guys i have something in my mind ,if i have alot of data alot sensors ,devices or whatever,how can i deal with that ,how can i know before that those data will overload the server which couse struggle on agent,what to do in that situation and how can i analyze that or any similar move .
Hi Davor,
You can have a look at the health assessment guidelines to confirm that the DMA is still able to cope with extra load.
If your plan is to monitor thousands of sensors, then it might be a good idea to start looking at the EPM architecture.
Hope it helps.

Hi Davor,
Please could you elaborate a bit more your use case? Without a proper context is difficult to provide an answer.
What is the current integration in DataMiner? Do you have an element monitoring the external storage?

hi, my thoughts is if i have to store a big data(millions) large volume large scale of data .
1how can i deal with that if the DMA cannot hold the data if overload
2.What is the best practise for storing that data.
HI Miguel thanks for helping out.i have a question if i have big data,and reaching the critical alarms for ex storage or cpu utiliziation or whatever ,what can you do in that situation,should i make new DMA somehow and connect them