Hi Dojo,
Sorry if this might be a basic question - is there a way to configure the value in the column "headers" of a given element table?
(Just looking to avoid reinventing the wheel if this feature is already available or in roadmap)
This one below is an example from the Microsoft protocol:
normally, a value gets calculated for the header line, by default...
Is there a way to configure this, so that I can get the "Total (SUM)" of all values in a given column?
Could I get to configure the header to display either the Max or Min value across all the rows?
And ideally, is there a way to export that reading via a dashboard or in a VISIO to build some visuals associated with relevant parameters, possibly without the need to recalculate the value?
Any steer will be helpful!
This can be changed by specifying one of the column options that start with "enableHeader" as explained here .
For example enableHeaderMax will display the maximum value in the header.
I'm not aware if this can be displayed in a visio or dashboard, perhaps somebody else knows the answer.

Yes, this needs to be enabled in Cube (by default this is enabled). If nothing is specified in the protocol.xml and the parameter is numeric and the parameter can be monitored then the sum will be displayed. If this needs to be changed to see the minimum instead of the sum then the enableHeaderSum option needs to be specified on the column in the protocol.xml (on a column parameter that is numeric and can be monitored)
I can retrieve a "SUM" option in this CUBE section - what about the min/MAX?
Does the latter need the option added at protocol layer?

Hi Alberto. Yes, that needs to be defined on protocol level.
Thanks for the prompt feedback, Lauren
Is this just something to be enabled in CUBE settings?
(adding a screenshot below)
Or can there be cases where protocol tweaks may be needed?