Is there any way to get the list of Protocol not in use from System Center - clean up unused?
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 23rd January 2025
If I understand correctly you want to export the list of unused protocols to a file? This is not available out of the box but should be doable through an automation script.
Some things you might need:
- Sending an SLNetMessage
- new GetInfoMessage(InfoType.Protocols)
- A list of all elements in your system and their protocol name + version
- Iterations comparing the list of protocols to the list of elements and their protocols.
- Some extra filtering (there will be some special protocols in there that are inherent to DataMiner)
- Download button interactive automation script component
Note: sending SLNetMessages is at your own risk and these messages are subject to change at any point when you upgrade your system.
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 23rd January 2025
Hello Toon,
Thanks for your answer. I was looking for an easy (click and collect) solution.
I will go for the automation process.