Hello Dojo Community!
Can any one help me with the syntax to filter alarms on the console using alarm range instead of specific alarms IDs.
To put this in context, I do know the syntax for filtering on alarm IDs is:
I would be happy to have/know the syntax for filtering say an alarm range of 1-99999

Thanks Ken, I do know it would be through regular expression, but am keen to know if you would just say for instance as earlier submitted for 1-99999 after filtering by Alarm ID and regular expression matches: (1-99999) and that suffices ?
Hi Samson,
You could use a combination of the '*' and '?' to create a wildcard expression to specify the alarm range and even the source DMA if needed. The example below selects alarms from all DMAs in the cluster with Alarm ID range 4546000 - 4546999. You can keep adding filters to select multiple ranges by linking them with the 'Or' operator.

Many thanks @Pawel: this is more like what I have been longing to have, I will try this and let you know if it traps the range I have in mind.

@Pawel, I tried the suggested syntax and it didn’t return any output , again, my range of interest is 1-99999

Hi @Samson, I just came back from holiday hence the delay in responding. You need 5 filters joined by the ‘Or’ operator: the filter range syntax */????? for range 10000-99999, then */???? for range 1000 – 9999, then */??? for range 100 – 999, then */?? for range 10 – 99, and finally */? for range 0 – 9 which is basically 1 – 9.
Hope this helps. In case you are still having issues please share example of existing Alarm ID to help with further investigation.
Typically, in RegEx, it would be [XXXXX-YYYYY] but you may have to contain it within brackets etc