I received following interesting question:
Due to the necessity to maintain updated some alarm templates from different DMSs, we are wondering if you can give us some ideas to do that (if possible).
We already know that you can copy the .xml file from one DMS to update others using “Upload” button at “Protocol & Templates” APP but this procedure needs to be done one by one and always manually. Do you think that something like the following steps can be done?
- Fix a “Master” DMS to do all the changes in the alarm templates.
- Copy the latest alarm template from every protocol from “Master” DMS to a shared folder (I assume this can be done by an external app or script)
- Use SLClient or another app to send the shared path of every .xml file to the other DMSs to update that file.

Hi Jeroen,
Not sure if it will work but I would look into the direction of using GitHub in combination with package deployment.
You can use 1 DMS as reference system and user some scripting to make the templates available in GitHub. When the other DMS's are cloud connected, package deployment can be used to have them in sync.
Thank you Jens,
so… there is no way then to update the alarm templace (once copied to the right folder) as we can do using Sync feature at System Center? maybe a SLNET command or something like that…
I think something like this is possible by checking the calls in an slnetclienttesttool follow when importing the template.
Then it’s a matter of making a script that can import the templates that are synced by the ‘master’ DMS to the shared folder.
Would there be a better procedure or idea about how to handle this?