Is there any way that I can get a sum from one column in a table with an other column?
As example: We having licenses for Dolby Digital in one licensing element there we have 300 tokens and used 107 tokens and then we have another element with 300 tokens and used 88 tokens. Can I then get the sum of these tokens?
I know it works with single parameter with ParameterSummary: Sum|120501/3975:308|120501/3975:311|
But not when I´m trying to get data from a table.
// Thomaz
I have now tried lots of things from the answers above but I can´t solve my issues. Maybe I´m thinking totally wrong when I try to do it. An ordinary Subtract is working with just numbers but not when I´m using Param also.
Is Subtract only working in format: HH:MM:SS ?
This is the example that I have tried with bad results.
// Thomaz

This has been further answered here: https://community.dataminer.services/question/subtract-data-in-visio/