Hi Dojo,
Every now and then I'm bumping into the error in subject and elements get corrupted on the local DB of the DMA - the workaround identified is to recreate the element, however this causes loss of history & trending data - it seems to happen for SL or 3rd party protocols indifferently - some quick googling for the error code returns this "filter is not running" message - any hints please?
It doesn't seem to be a "general" DB failure as other elements on the same local DB keep running fine - it's rather an element corruption.
Currently running
Any steer will be helpful.

Hi Alberto,
You can in general check if the DMA has any connectivity issues to its database, or if the database process has high memory usage or struggles with weekly processes such as compaction or if there are tombstones that are not being cleared by compaction processes. You can contact techsupport for further assistance.

Thanks, Arunkrishna – that’s a good lead too – indeed compaction is something that was recently improved on a few servers, so maybe some DMAs need that too – will check with our squads.
Hi Alberto,
Have you been able to solve the issue with these answers? If so, could you select the best answer, so we can close this question?