what is you recommendation for cassandra/elastic Stage cluster?
Is it ok to make 3 nodes cluster, on each node both cassandra/elastic ?
Hi Piotr,
Allow me to refer to following documentation, where the supported data storage architectures are explained nicely: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/Databases/Supported_System_Data_Storage_Architectures.html.
Please see also following page on Dojo about the data storage architecture: https://community.dataminer.services/data-storage-architecture/
I hope this info already helps you.
The recommended setup for a Cassandra and Elasticsearch cluster is to have DataMiner, Cassandra, and Elasticsearch hosted on dedicated machines.
Detailed information can be found at Supported system data storage architectures | DataMiner Docs
About your proposal to have Cassandra and Elastic running in the same nodes, it can work if you have the appropriated resources correctly sized to your data. Still, you are not guaranteeing that each software has dedicated resources e.g. if Cassandra starts to use a lot of virtual memory, it will affect Elasticsearch, and vice-versa.

This answer is also correct – generally equal to this other (but Jordy was a little bit faster 🙂 thank you very much.
I would prefer to limit the number of nodes, especially that in some solutions there is cassandra/ elastic/ data miner SW on one node