For SRM, we understand that Booking and Service Definitions data are stored in Elasticsearch database.
What about Resource data? Is this also stored in Elasticsearch database or is it stored in a different location?
The reason behind this question is to understand better the impact of a DataMiner backup/restore and an Elasticsearch backup/restore.
Bruno Dias [SLC] [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 17th June 2021
Resources are still stored in xml file, C:\Skyline DataMiner\ResourceManager\Resources.xml
Bruno Dias [SLC] [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 17th June 2021

That is correct. A note to this however also is that there is a linking between the elements exposing the function resources and the resources themselves, which is saved into the linker tables, visible onto the ‘Resource Info’ page of an element.
So important to note is that this is information stored into the database also. So it is basically a combination of both resource.xml file as well as database info.
Note that this only applies for function resource i.e. SRM context.