I've been using the following methods to log the result of set parameters:
//Validation suceed
helper.LogSuccessResult(config.MainElement.ProtocolName, config);
//Validation failed
helper.LogFailureResult(config.MainElement.ProtocolName, config, Convert.ToString(lastRealValue));
However, I can only find this logged in Information events and booking logfile if the booking ended successfully. In a fail scenario, I don't see this logs anywhere (note that during a fail scenario, the profile load script exits with an exception (engine.ExitFail() - my understanding is that's necessary to the booking state be reflected as FAILED properly).
Is there something that we can do to see the validation logs in both cases?
Hi Bruno, I think your request fits in this task: https://collaboration.skyline.be/squads/8/board/task/117077