I've been using the following methods to log the result of set parameters:
//Validation suceed
helper.LogSuccessResult(config.MainElement.ProtocolName, config);
//Validation failed
helper.LogFailureResult(config.MainElement.ProtocolName, config, Convert.ToString(lastRealValue));
However, I can only find this logged in Information events and booking logfile if the booking ended successfully. In a fail scenario, I don't see this logs anywhere (note that during a fail scenario, the profile load script exits with an exception (engine.ExitFail() - my understanding is that's necessary to the booking state be reflected as FAILED properly).
Is there something that we can do to see the validation logs in both cases?
Hi Bruno, I think your request fits in this task: https://collaboration.skyline.be/squads/8/board/task/117077
What is the object type of the helper?
Do not know if you already check but generally when you do engine.Log() on an Automation Script the result in the SLAutomation log.
Thanks for the reply. However, David’s reply perfectly clears my question – I wasn’t doing anything wrong, it’s not supported yet.