While creating a booking the solution will look at the capacities of the resources involved during a certain time period to make sure the booking can start at that given time.
What happens when after the creation of the booking and before the start of it something external uses capacity of a certain resource which results in not having enough capacity left? Does the solution check before starting the booking if all the resources have enough capacity left?
Bookings will automatically move into a quarantine state in case that a resource that is booked does no longer provide the required capacities or capabilities.
This is a continuous check, so also in case that a booking is scheduled for tomorrow but the booked resources are updated with different capabilities/capacities (such as e.g. a license downgrade), it will immediately impact the scheduled booking which will be moved into quarantine state. The operator can decide to either update the scheduled resource, or assign a new resource for this scheduled booking.

Do note that the available capacity of the resources will not update automatically by default. Any capacity usage on your resources that is not booked through DataMiner will require additional actions to notify DataMiner.
Also refer to https://community.dataminer.services/question/what-happens-to-future-bookings-if-resource-capabilities-are-changed/