In a parent-child view, we would like to sort child-shapes from parameter value, specifically it is a type "double" depicting date-time of last reboot of MS servers (param 212 on protocol). Help file specifies sorting by "Name", "Property" or "Severity" only.
Hi Roger, I'm afraid this is currently not possible.
Feel free to suggest this as a feature (feature suggestions).

I believe both suggestions are suboptimal workarounds. Using alarms for sorting will cause overhead and using custom properties will handle the values as text and not dates.

For DOJO community. We were able to achieve desired results using Dashboard. Simply using parameter feeder filter by protocol exposes all parameters. Job done in less than 2 minutes!
Thanks Sebastiaan.
For DOJO community, for the time being we have two options. A. Set thresholds in Alarm Template on parameter “Days since last reboot”, which will create and alarm; B. If alarm is not desired, pass desired parameter value to a custom property and ChildSort by Property.