For the SMS functionality to work, a so-called SMS Gateway is required. Skyline recommends SMSEagle mainly because the DMA core implements its API calls and provides a configuration UI under System Center -> Mobile Gateway (note this is a quite short and possibly naive explanation).
However, what if a company already owns an SMS gateway (telco operator) or for some reason needs to source from another vendor and creating a "native" driver is not an option?
Is it already possible within DataMiner or is there already an API gateway driver (or application) that could translate the SMSEagle to SMS API calls for another vendor?
Note that the idea is to configure DataMiner as if an SMSEagle device is present in the network and I'm not referring to a driver that would gather data from the Correlation engine (for example) and trigger an SMS element to execute an API call.

Thanks, indeed that can be a way forward, since we are mainly interested in the sending out notifications. Need to explorer further if it fits all our scenarios.
What Ben suggests (the email solution) is probably going to be the most straight forward option. As far as I now, there is no existing way of translating the SMSEagle API calls to another SMS gateway API. The only way to get the full SMS functionality in DataMiner is to have a supported device, or request the support for a new device type.
Just on a side note here. Did you check if the third-party SMS gateway also supports receiving email alerts and transposing those to an SMS alert? Because in many cases that’s possible, and then users use the standard DataMiner mail notification capability to trigger SMS notifications on their own gateway. For that purpose, the subject of a DataMiner mail alert is a string that tries to summarize the information from the DataMiner alarm that triggered it (because typically the subject of the mail is what gets into the SMS message). Just in case this can be of interest. Of course this is only for notification (the DataMiner native implementation also supports receiving SMS messages from users and acting upon those).