I am developing a Driver for a Device whose SNMP Agent is a bit delicate. If the device receives SNMP Requests to quickly its function will be affected.
I can easily leave gaps between Parameters to be polled, but I have run into an issue when it comes to Tables.
How can I tell DataMiner to leave gaps between the Requests when polling a Table?
Hi Robert, this is probably not completely what you're looking for, but maybe have a look at the "pollingRate" option. See https://help.dataminer.services/development/DataMinerDevelopmentLibrary_Customer/part3MarkupLanguage/MARProtocolParams/Protocol_Params_Param_ArrayOptions_ColumnOptions_ColumnOption.htm?rhhlterm=pollingRate#XREF_25524_pollingRate. With this option it's possible to slow down the polling of certain columns of the table.

That’s what I thought. Unfortunately I don’t immediately see another solution, except doing the polling yourself in a QAction.
Hi Tom,
I tried this as well, but this only reduces the amount of Data polled on some Intervals. But it seems the interval of the requests is the problem that device has, not the amount of data requested.