Hi all
I have a strange detail in a 9.6CU23 ( version where the log SLErrors is not logging anything. I know that this file only replicates the errors from other processes but it's a good point of reference to see how the agent is going on.
Is there a way to fix this? I tried stopping the DMA and deleting the files so the agent could create new ones but no luck
Thanks in advance
Hi Jaime,
It seems this is caused due an incorrect merge of [ID_29264] into the 9.6-branch
To make a long story short, what is supposed to end up in SLErrors.txt is placed on the buffer for SLErrorsInProtocol.txt and vice versa. However when updating the buffer we do try and flush what should be the correct buffer to its respective file, causing the new errors to not be flushed to disk immediately.
The end result is that when an error occurs for SLErrors.txt it gets "stuck" in memory until a protocol generates an error-logline, at which point it will get flushed to the SLErrorsInProtocol.txt. Likewise, the protocolErrors will be stuck in memory until the DMA generates an error logline and ends up in SLErrors.txt.
There is no real fix for this, aside from upgrading the dma. Other versions seems to be fine.

Is this fixed in CU24?

Yes, it seems it was already in CU23, so it’s also in CU24.
This fix is included in the following versions: 9.6.0 [CU23] ; 10.0.0 [CU13] ; 10.1.0 [CU2]
Thanks for your answer, Brent.