I have built a dataminer View that contains a button to produce SLA reports in HTML or PDF. The property in the View (name: SLA Service Names) contains all the SLA Service IDs and the button shape data is set to the following:
Label: Link
Value:[Property:SLA Service Names]report-format=pdf
The total service SLAs in the report should produce around 160 entries but is only producing 50
Firefox is my default browser and Windows server 2012 has Max "URL length" and "query string" set to 10000
Any idea why my SLA reports are being truncated?
Note running the SLA reports within Reports and Dashboards module it works fine
Hi Terry,
In order to reduce the query length of the URL and to reduce complexity on your setup, I suggest you to do as follows:
Instead of linking the property with all service names combined, you can just pass the complete view along with your request instead. (use the [this ViewId] placeholder together with the report-view url parameter.)
This will reduce the complexity as you no longer need to define the property. It also brings more flexibility as new service SLAs added to this view will automatically end up in the reports without changing the property.
You will need the following ShapeData for your Visio drawing button:
Label: Link
Value:[this ViewID]&report-format=pdf
Please let us know if that solved the case. Thanks
Hi Terry, Thanks for using our Dojo platform.
I took a quick look to your created view. It seems that the property SLA Custom Names currently only contains 50 service references.
Updating your property to include all your SLA Service references should resolve your issue.
Do note that you are indeed correct by using a browser such as Firefox with the default "URL length query" configured to a bigger value (e.g. 10.000 characters)
By default Internet Explorer caps this URL length to 2048 fixed limit. This means that with IE you would be unable to generate the correct report.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Thanks Thijs
Thanks Thijs
Colombo server is set to Firefox and truncation still occurs ( Entries >100)

Hi Terry, The request URL that is being cut off is due to the following:
“HTTP Error 404.15 – query URL too long”.
This can most probably be sorted by increasing this configuration in the IIS Manager. (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits/)
It could also be that this setting gets overruled by the DataMiner configurations. (“C:/Skyline DataMiner/Webpages/web.config”)
In any case, I don’t think increasing these query limits is a good idea, since they are there for a reason. Instead I suggest you to use another approach in collecting your SLA’s for your report generation. See my new Answer on your question.
That worked perfectly – many thanks