After staring datminer, cube client reports unable to connect to remote host.
On closer inspection I have noticed processes are running with no assigned user. These processes can't be killed by admin or other local admin accounts.
Operating system = Windows Server 2016 Datacentre Edition
Dataminer Version = Clean install 10.2 Main
Is it possible to reboot the server, or are there other dependencies that need to keep running that would prevent a server reboot? With a reboot, I would expect that these processes without user will be removed and the DMA would start up again automatically.

And if the (Windows) Services are opened, what does the “Log On As” column mention for the SLDataMiner service? This should be set to “Local System”. What could also be verified is the logging of SLDataMiner (C: Skyline DataMiner -> Logging -> SLDataMiner.txt ) if that contains log lines like “Creating SLPort processes” and “CoCreateInstance SLPort failed with” (will appear when something went wrong with the process creation)

Something similar to be verified is the Windows service SLDMS how that “Log On As” looks like, and the SLDMS.txt logging for log lines like “Creating SNMP Manager” and “CoCreateInstance SLSNMPManager failed with”
I have rebooted the system multiple times in addition have performed a complete rebuild of windows but to no avail.