Hello DOJO
We are using a parameter definition to change the lines color of a shape, according to the value of pos_S11 table parameter.
like this:
It works fine
But what would be the way to base the LineColor on the value from 2 parameters, like <A> or <B> ?
In our case, base on position of S15 and S11.
LineColor is sadly not part of the extended conditional manipulations that allow you to combine multiple conditions.
What you could do however is use the show/hide conditional manipulations to show or hide lines of different colors this way. It will be less performant of course, but hopefully doubling the amount of lines will not have a huge impact.

Indeed, not super elegant. Feel free to post a feature suggestion to have line color in the supported extended conditions. Maybe there are more people with this use case.
Hello toon
Thanks for the reply.
Indeed this is what we are using.
show: or-A|39313/71|1003,li1.7 (S11_POS2)|=1-B|39313/71|1003,li1.7 (S11_POS1)|=1
I just was wondering if it should be possible to make it better
But anyway, it works as it 🙂