Hello guys,
i have question about setting tables Id for example i want from table one instance_id (which have input data with all params)to be added that id to second table as suggested in input value like dropdown which one id i want to set
(picture table 2)
this is input values the other two down (overivews) is the tables
any idea
Thanks in advaned

Hi Felix thanks for the answer so let me descripe more detaily i have client input with parameters and after click add client will genereate automaticly in clientoverview instance column table from there i want in device input i have client ID_input which i want in dropdown automaticly to show the instances of clientoverivew table is that thing kind of possible thanks again.

Hi Davor,
still hard to understand the details.
I will show you an example in an answer and maybe this is similar to what you want to achieve
Hi Davor,
I will show you an example how to use dependencyId because I'm not 100% sure what you would like to achieve.
You can add values to a table column (the Locations Table in my example).
Then you have to store these values (separated by semicolon) in another parameter (shown above the Locations Table).
Then you define this parameter ID as value of dependencyId inside the parameter where you need the dropdown. All semicolon separated items are available here.
Hope it helps.
Best regards

Yeah that's what i wan't thanks
Hi Davor,
not sure if it helps, but you can use a semicolon separated string param and dependencyId to define values for a dropdown: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/schemadoc/Protocol/Protocol.Params.Param.Measurement.Discreets-dependencyId.html
So abc;def;123 in your dependencyId Param would be available in your dropdown param as
– abc
– def
– 123
Best regards,