Is there a way where you can set up a text message alert on Dataminer/Skyline alerter. When you are out of the room or on a break? If there is documentation, I'd love to have a look.
Many Thanks

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Hi Ali,
As far as I know it is not possible to send text messages using the Alerter. For that case you will need the Mobile Gateway. More information can be found in DataMiner Docs.
Hope it helps.
Hi Ali,
Next to the sms options mentioned by the other answers, it might also be worth considering messages via Microsoft Teams. This method doesn't require a hardware sms gateway or an online sms service. Examples for this implementation are available as a package on the catalog.
To further complement on the info provided by Miguel, you will first have to make it possible for your DataMiner System to send text messages. The first option is to have the Mobile Gateway option, referenced by Miguel. Alternatively people have also leverage a connector to link DataMiner with an online SMS service (Generic SMPP SMS Sender | Catalog (dataminer.services)).
The secondly of course you would have to see how you could conveniently enable that or disable that, i.e. how can DataMiner know that you are out of the room or on a break.
From the first look at it, I would be conceivable to achieve this with a bit of automation scripting, and to have a button for you to click when leaving to indicate that you want to receive SMS notifications. Is that what you would like to accomplish?
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the answer that was the most helpful?