Hi All,
I have set up RSP and Dataminer, but the connection with RSP is "timeout" and I've set CPA App and NMOS App on RSP side to Enable, but it is still timeout....
please let me know if there is something I am missing in the settings.
Please advise.

The RSP Element is still in Timeout, so I tried to delete it and create it again, but after that I cannot create it with loading as shown in this image.
Hi Motoki,
Please could you let us know which DataMiner version are you running?
We have a RSP in our lab and we are experiencing the same issue (not able to poll the panel). We will investigate the issue and let you know the outcome.
Regarding the ‘loading’ error, can you double check that the DMA is still operational? Do you see errors in the alarm console?

Hi Miguel,
our dataminer version is i think.
Our DMA Laptop was Freeze, so I Restarted it, but the Status is still Stopped.
I checked SkylineLogo in the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen by hovering the mouse over it.
Hi Motoki,
Sorry to hear that. We need to know why the DMA is not able to start.
Can you try first stopping all the elements while the DMA is offline? There is a tool that you can use for this purpose:
Before using this tool, please double check that the DMA is stopped.
This tool will set the state of all the elements available in the DMA to Stopped. This will help us to know if the DMA;s unresponsiveness is related to the Riedel connector. Once you managed to stop all the elements, please try to start again the DMA and let us know the outcome.

Hi Miguel,
I used “change element states offline” and changed the Elements to “Stopped” and started them, but it did not change the situation;
Hi Motoki,
Apologies for the delay in my reply.
Were you able to restart your DMA? Please let me know if you still have a question about the RSP 1200.
From our end, we were able to poll our RSP1200 test device. The problem was that the device was polled from two different DMAs.
As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you do wish to investigate this further, feel free to post a new question or contact techsupport@skyline.be for assistance.