Hi guys i want to ask you what is the ways step by step to connect with router to take the data and connect with dataminer and work with those data
is it possible to have obstacles for DMA some overflow after fetching data

Hi Davor,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need more information for this? If not, could you select Miguel's answer to indicate that the question is resolved?
Hi Miguel ,no we still on the beginning, we trying first to connect to snmp what kind of data doesn't matter we need first the steps to connect with router how to connect with snmp and after that ,how to connect with dataminer,is it way to have obstacles to overflow the Dataminer agent after fetching data from start to the end i need ways
Hi Davor,
Please could you elaborate a bit your use case? Is there already an element monitoring the router? If so, what information are you expecting to retrieve?